Beautiful Bangladesh

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rice is the main food in Bangladesh

Rice is the main food in Bangladesh.

Above 70% people depend on it for living. Bangladesh is now producing about 25 million tons of paddy to feed about 17 crore population. This increased rice production has been possible due to the adoption of modern rice varieties and using technologies to cultivate paddy. Here i am showing the steps of cultivation of rice, methods of growing rice differ in different localities, but in most Asian countries the traditional hand methods of cultivating and harvesting are still practiced. The fields are prepared by plowing by cows or in the modern time plowing by tractor machine. 

The seedlings are started in seedling beds and, after 30 to 50 days, are transplanted by hand to the fields, 

which have been flooded by rain or river water. During the growing season, irrigation is maintained by dike-controlled canals or by hand watering or shallow engine. 

Rice when it is still covered by the brown hull is known as paddy; rice fields are also called paddy fields or rice paddies. 

Before marketing, the rice is threshed to loosen the hulls mainly by flailing, treading, or working in a mortar and winnowed free of chaff by tossing it in the air above a sheet or mat.

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